Tuesday, November 23, 2010


First a little back story.

Arefin's uncle has three cats. One is very active, one is normal and the last one is very shy. When his office told him to go to India for some training or project, he was looking for someone who would take care of the cats for three months, until he comes back from India. So he called Arefin to find out if he knows someone who would take the responsibility of the cats.

Incidentally, Naqvi was in the car with Arefin at the time of the call. Arefin asked Naqvi that if he is interested. Naqvi agreed and thats how the cats ended up in Mashrur and Naqvi's apartment.

Now, yesterday (Sunday) Mashrur called with a bad news- Naqvi is allergic to cats! So they are returning the cats until Naqvi takes the necessary medications and is no longer allergic to cats. Arefin's uncle would take them that night. Mashrur wanted me to take some photos of the cats as keepsake.

I just got my 50mm 1.8D lens. So I was very interested to see the performance of the lens. And boy, what a performance. I was blown away with the quality of the photos.

The photos were taken using a SB-25 flash triggered with Cactus V4s. The flash was faced towards the ceiling.


One thing I learned was that, you have to take a lot of pictures when you are shooting the cats. They do not tend to sit still for longer than 2 seconds. Out of around 110 shots, I got about 15-20 good ones.

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